Allergy Testing, Érd
The purpose of the allergy test to determine which allergens trigger the allergic symptoms of patients. respiratory allergies are distinguished according to type (is inhalation of the substance in the body), food (a meal is a substance in the body) and other types of allergy. The most well-known forms of allergy prick tests to the test when dripped extracts of allergens in the skin of the forearm, and evaluated after 20 minutes of reaction, including pollens, foods, mites, animal dander, insect venom-induced sensitivity is justified. Other tests known in the transdermal patch (epicutan) test, in which the sequence of the allergens adhered to the skin of the back and four days and one week after onset response valued. Mainly used in the investigation of eczema test.
Birthmark, Melanoma Screening, Érd
The ink malignant skin cancer, such as melanoma, about 60% of cases occur in intact skin, however, an additional 40% of an existing mole elfajulásából. The correct diagnosis is very helpful in providing the skin microscope (Dermatoscops), which can observe details of the changes are not visible at 10x magnification.
Chemical Peels, Érd
The chemical rejuvenating treatments normally used for acidic products that are able to dissolve the dead skin stratum corneum. The acid peels removed the dead skin stratum corneum, the cells endure more efficient work: significantly greater numbers produced in young skin cells, healthy skin layer becomes thicker, blood circulation increases, so that the skin becomes healthier, more flexible, more even felszínűvé, brighter.
Remove Skin Growth, Érd
Our bodies in many, mostly harmless bőrnövedék appears progresses with age, but are aesthetically very disturbing. Several methods exist for the rapid and efficient removal. The first step is always the precise dermatological diagnosis, and then select the most appropriate method of removal.
Dermaroller Therapy, Érd
The Dermaroller therapy is one of the latest anti-aging procedures in aesthetic dermatology. The treatment is based on the skin surface, tiny pinprick dropped to 250 per square centimeter covered with a very fine, sharp-tipped spikes roller. Due to the damage done by a small biological activators are starting to be produced, which trigger the skin's own regeneration mechanism.
Hair Therapy, A Hair Test, Érd
Examination of the hair and scalp young branch exploration of the causes of hair problems facing enterprises. The hair reacts occurring in the body processes and problems of pathological lesions. This condition can be improved with special hair compositions.
Leg Ulcers Treatment, Érd
We call those wounds ulcers in legs or feet that do not heal within six weeks, despite the wound. There are several reasons for the formation of ulcers, but 80-85 percent of the damage to the leg veins and through the increased venous pressure to be responsible for non-healing wounds can be agreed. Without treatment, the condition can become life-threatening.
Biopsy, Érd
All types of dermatological (inflammatory cancer, hereditary, autoimmune) disease histological diagnosis can be performed traditional histopathological, immunofluorescence and if necessary modern methods (immunohistology, molecular techniques). R nVálogatott known cases. frozen sections examination occurs during surgery. R nThe material removed for microscopic examination sections are made. is the histology of them during the examination, which includes the diagnosis, which is the need for further action to be taken based on the doctor can decide.